The appearance of painting on glass was a special event in the stained glass craft in the beginning of the 10th century. Sheet glass appeared at this time. Glasswork development and expanding of the range of paints for painting on glass led to significant changes in the technology of medieval stained-glass art. Bleak landscapes outside of cathedrals were hidden by colorful stained-glass windows, coloring the room inside with amazing light. Glass windows bifora, rose, trifora become an integral part of gothic cathedrals, adding bright and incredible accent. Hanging medival stained glass decoration visually expands the ceilings and makes the room more festive. Entrance stained-glass groups make the interior composition of the cathedral pompous. Complex story pictures of stained glass partitions divide the room into separate zones and create the effect of additional space. Small stained-glass decorations with color patterns become expressive elements of furniture facades.
Stained-glass wares production become a real art related to religious architecture. Its true blossoming began in the 12th century. Monk Theophilus described in his treatise of that time the technology of making a stained glass window in detail. Glass was boiled in a special furnace, while dyeing it in the desired color. A flat sheet was cast of glass, which was then cut into figured plates according to the prepared sketch. To divide glass into fragments was used a hot iron rod. Pieces of glass were put on a wooden board according to the sketch of the future panel and then painted with paints, sequentially firing the stained glass in the oven. The elements of the future stained glass ware were firmly fastened with lead wire, soldering the seams. Then details of the product were put into a wooden, and later into a metal frame. Thisishowthestainedglass decorationwasmade. Stained-glass craftsmen of 15th century in their works preferred colorless glass covered with polychrome painting, the quality of images on glass material was improving, themes and stories were becoming more complicated. The stained-glass art of the Middle Ages has opened new opportunities in architecture, design, art.

The stained-glass window depicting Jesus Christ, Chapel of Our Lady, 13th century.

St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, window c. 1340 year.

Wells Cathedral, 14 century.

Annunciation to the Shepherds. Fragment of composition Nativity of Christ 1340-1345 years, England, London Victoria and Albert Museum.

Duccio di Buoninsegna, circa 1255-1319 years Italian painter, founder of the Sienese school of the 14th century.
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