unusual gifts for special occasions
designer interior items
Hanging stained glass windows
Hanging stained glass elements are special and unusual items of non-standard decor. Designed by the artist, they create a unique microclimate and comfort in the room. Take a step towards the extraordinary by appreciating the benefits of "hanging in the air" stained glass windows.
light panels
Pictures-lamps and various interpretations of light panels on the wall, luminous paintings in partitions - among the many options for interior design, they occupy a special place and create an unusual, fantastic atmosphere. As a rule, such works are bought ready-made or ordered on an individual project.
All for stained glass
A series of suspended stained glass miniatures made in the Tiffany technique from cathedral and opal colored glass, dyed in mass, with painting elements. The stained-glass windows depict small heroes of myths and legends of European peoples: gnomes, elves, leprechauns. This series of works opens the curtain behind which the life of fairy tale characters is hidden.
Author's accessories
We create designer accessories in different styles (rings, brooches, pendants, sets) from colored art glass using various techniques and technological methods of stained glass art. Each product is a miniature stained-glass window made in the Tiffany technique, often with fusing elements. We generate ideas, develop sketches.
A stained glass clock made in the Tiffany technique is an unusual decorative element of the interior. There can be many variations of such watches, designed by the artist, sometimes they take such bizarre forms that their true meaning fades into the background.
A series of suspended stained glass miniatures made in the Tiffany technique from cathedral and opal colored glass, dyed in mass, with painting elements. The stained-glass windows depict small heroes of myths and legends of European peoples: gnomes, elves, leprechauns. This series of works opens the curtain behind which the life of fairy tale characters is hidden.
Icons are of special value in the decoration of each temple. Ancient or modern they carry a special spiritual connection between generations of worshipers. In the modern world, icon painting is one of the most complex artistic languages, one of the most complex artistic languages in the world today.
Lamps, lanterns
A series of suspended stained glass miniatures made in the Tiffany technique from cathedral and opal colored glass, dyed in mass, with painting elements. The stained-glass windows depict small heroes of myths and legends of European peoples: gnomes, elves, leprechauns. This series of works opens the curtain behind which the life of fairy tale characters is hidden.